How Did the Days of the Week Get Their Names?

Many people are unaware that the days of the week are named after many of the ancient Gods from human history.

As the Vikings and ancient Romans settled in different countries they brought their traditions with them including their names for the days of the week.

In English, the names of the days of the week are as follows:

Monday – Moon’s day

Tuesday – Norse God Tyr’s day

Wednesday – Norse God Odin’s (Woden’s) day

Thursday – Norse God Thor’s day

Friday – Norse God Freya’s day

Saturday – Roman God Saturn’s day

Sunday – Sun’s day

In other Germanic languages, the names of the days of the week follow a similar pattern to English  half of them go back to the Roman names and half of them to the names of the Germanic gods.

Montag (Monday)  Moon’s day

Dienstag (Tuesday) – from deus (Latin for god) and Mars – Tuesday

Mittwoch (Wednesday) – the middle of the week – Wednesday

Donnerstag (Thursday) Thunder God’s Thor day (Donner – thunder) – Thursday

Freitag (Friday)  God Frigg’s (or Freya’s) day  Friday

Samstag (Saturday)  God Saturn’s day – Saturday

Sonntag (Sunday) – Sun God’s day – Sunday

In Italian, these are the days of the week:

Lunedi (Monday)  Luna’s day (Moon’s day)

Martedi (Tuesday)  God Mars’ day

Mercoledi (Wednesday)  God Mercury’s day

Giovedi (Thursday) – God Jupiter’s day

Venerdi (Friday) – Goddess Venus’ day

Sabato (Saturday) – Sabbath

Domenica (Sunday)  Lord’s day